Entries by Kernei

House ball & carnival retreat

Our legendary house ball will take place again on February 25th. Musical entertainment will be provided by DJ Banny and Fake and Empire Our mask premiere will take place around midnight, great prizes are waiting again, give it your all.   And on Shrove Tuesday, February 28th, the annual Shrove Tuesday takes place from 12:00 […]

Hope party at Kerngut

On September 4th, 2016, the rural youth Anthering organized a farm festival in cooperation with our team from Kernei’s. From 10:00 a.m. we open our gates and offer you an insight into all areas of our company. The Landjugend Anthering has come up with an exciting program for young and old, awaiting you carriage rides […]

A contribution from the Salzburg district newspapers, great joy about the red Pichel pear.

Stamperl in gold for “Kernei” With his system, Alfred Muckenhammer produces 38 different types of spirits. Alfred Muckenhammer’s “Red Pichelbirne” brought Austria’s victory to Anthering. ANTHERING (mek). For many, the “digestive schnapps” is part of a good meal. Whether or not it actually helps digestion is debatable. The liquor should be just as good as […]

The REVIVALBAND rocked the house

  On March 18, 2016, the revival band was our guest and literally ripped our guests off their chairs. In front of a sold-out house, the male band thrilled a tireless audience who loved to dance with their rock and pop hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s. We are glad that they exist and […]

We have news for you

Because it often seems uncomfortable and dreary in the cold season, we would like to counteract this with beautiful, cozy and sociable events. Sunday 17.1.2016 – morning pint from 11:30 a.m. with the Alpenlandler Musikanten Saturday February 6, 2016 – house ball / €5 entry from 8 p.m. with Fake Empire and the legendary hobby […]